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interface WorkUnit implements Operable, implements LogSource, implements Persistent, implements AsyncResult<WorkContext>

  • web2grid
    • web2grid.core
      • web2grid.core.iface
        • web2grid.core.iface.WorkUnit

Interface overview

Implementing the WorkUnit interface enables the class to be handled by the WorkUnitPool.

Public functions

start ()

Starts the WorkUnit if it's in the Passive state.

terminate ()

Terminates the WorkUnit. If a worker has been started it will be terminated immediately as well. The worker returns to the Passive state.

enable ()

Returns the WorkUnit from the Disabled state to the Passive state. The WorkUnit can be started again with the start function.

disable ()

Places the WorkUnit into the Disabled state. It cannot be started until using the enable function first.

getState () : WorkUnitState

Returns the actual state of the WorkUnit.

Implemented interface functions

operate () from Operable

isChanged () : Bool from Persistent

hxSerialize (s : haxe.Serializer) from Persistent

unSerialize (s : haxe.Unserializer) from Persistent

isCompleted () : Bool from AsyncResult

isError () from AsyncResult

getError () : String from AsyncResult

getProgress () : Float from AsyncResult

getResult () : T from AsyncResult

getElapsedTime () : Date from AsyncResult

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